
  • 张璐
  • 来源于: 全站原创
    发布时间: 2014年06月06日

简 历


邮寄地址:黑龙江省哈尔滨市香坊区长江路600号东北农业大学园艺学院, 150030




2018年9月至今 东北农业大学园林系 教授

2018年1月-2018年6月 爱沙尼亚生命科学大学 访问学者

2016年6月-2017年6月 意大利国家研究理事会 访问学者

2012年9月-2018年9月 东北农业大学园艺学院园林系 副教授

2012年5月至今 东北农业大学园艺学院园林系 副系主任

2012年5月至今 东北农业大学园艺学院党委园林支部 组织委员

2010年7月-2012年9月东北农业大学园艺学院园林系 讲师

2007年12月-2008年12月 加拿大农业部温室与加工作物研究中心 访问学者


2006年9月-2010年7月 中国科学院植物研究所植被与环境变化国家重点实验室 获博士学位

2003年9月-2006年7月 南京农业大学园艺学院园林植物与观赏园艺专业 获硕士学位

1999年9月-2003年7月 山东农业大学园艺学院园艺专业 获学士学位






国际学术会议“ozone and plant ecosystems”科学委员会委员;



sci期刊critical reviews in biotechnology, science of the total environment, scientific reports, photosynthetica, hortscience, journal of biological research-thessaloniki等刊物审稿人;





1.国家自然科学基金项目“彩叶植物叶片花色素苷代谢与臭氧敏感性的相关性及其调控机理”(no. 31401895 , 2015-2017),项目主持人;

2.国家自然科学基金中欧人才项目“臭氧浓度升高对100个树种挥发性有机物释放的影响” (no. 31711530648,2017-2019), 项目主持人;

3.黑龙江省自然科学基金面上项目“不同叶色花卉品种对臭氧污染的抗性差异及内在机理”(no. c201221, 2013-2016),项目主持人;


1.chen y; chen y; shi z; jin y; sun h; xie f; zhang l (corresponding author). biosynthesis and signal transduction of aba, ja, and brs in response to drought stress of kentucky bluegrass. international journal of molecular sciences. 2019, 20, 1289; doi:10.3390/ijms20061289.(sci)

2.zhang l; hoshika y; carrari e; cotrozzi l; pellegrini e; paoletti e. effects of nitrogen and phosphorus imbalance on photosynthetic traits of poplar oxford clone under ozone pollution. journal of plant research. 2018, 131(6):915-924. (sci)

3.zhang l, hoshika y, carrari e, badea o, paoletti e. ozone risk assessment is affected by nutrient availability: evidence from a simulation experiment under free air controlled exposure (face). environ pollut. 2018;238:812-822. (sci)

4.zhang l, jia l, sui j, wen m, chen y. ameliorating effects of three kinds of antioxidants to ozone-polluted painted nettle (coleus blumei benth.). photosynthetica. 2018. 56(2): 623-632 doi: 10.1007/s11099-017-0693-4. (sci)

5.chen y; wen mx; sui jx; yan yq; yuan w; hong l; zhang l (corresponding author). ameliorating effects of leaf water extract of three aromatic plant species on ozone-polluted snap bean (phaseolus vulgaris l. ‘jiangjunyoudou’). bull environ contam toxicol 2018. 100:849-855.

6.zhang l; xu b, wu t, wen m, fan l, feng z, paoletti e. transcriptomic analysis of pak choi under acute ozone exposure revealed regulatory mechanism against ozone stress. bmc plant biology. 2017, 17:236 doi 10.1186/s12870-017-1202-4

7.zhang l; xu b; wu t; yang y; fan l; wen m; sui j. transcriptomic profiling of two pak choi varieties with contrasting anthocyanin contents provides an insight into structural and regulatory genes in anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway. bmc genomics. 2017. 18:288 doi :10.1186/s12864-017-3677-7. (sci)

8.zhang l; hoshika y; carrari e; burkey k; paoletti, e. protecting the photosynthetic performance of snap bean under free-air ozone exposure. journal of environmental sciences. 2017. 66:31-40. doi: 10.1016/j.jes.2017.05.009. (sci)

9.zhang l, xiao s, chen y, xu h, li y, zhang y, luan f. ozone sensitivity of four pakchoi cultivars with different leaf colors: physiological and biochemical mechanisms. photosynthetica. 2017. 53(3): 478-490. (sci)

10.sui j; wen m; jia l; chen y; li c; zhang l (corresponding author). effects of elevated ozone on polka dot plant (hypoestes phyllostachya) with variegated leaves. bull environ contam toxicol 2017. 99(4):445-451 doi: 10.1007/s00128-017-2163-x. (sci)

11.zhang l, su by, xu h, li yg. growth and photosynthetic responses of four landscape shrub species to elevated ozone. photosynthetica. 2012. 50:67-76. (sci)

12.zhang l, xu h, yang jc, li wd, jiang gm, li yg. photosynthetic characteristics of diploid honeysuckle (lonicera japonica thunb.) and its autotetraploid cultivar subjected to elevated ozone exposure. photosynthetica. 2010. 46:87-95. (sci)

13.zhang l, hao xm, li yg, jiang gm. response of greenhouse tomato to varied low pre-night temperatures at the same daily integrated temperature. hortscience. 2010. 45:1654-1661. (sci)

14.zhang l, wang c, chen yj, li x, zheng yh, li h. potassium silicate has a better mitigating effect than potassium nitrate on salt stress of kentucky bluegrass (poa pratensis). vegetos. 2014. 9: 189-197.

15.saud s, li x, chen y, zhang l, fahad s, hussain s, sadiq a, chen y. silicon application increases drought tolerance of kentucky bluegrass by improving plant water relations and morphophysiological functions. the scientific world journal. 2014. article id 368694, doi: 10.1155/2014/368694 (sci).

16.hoshika y., carrari e, zhang l, carriero g, pignatelli s, fasano g, materassi a, paoletti e. 2017. testing a ratio of photosynthesis to o3 uptake as an index for assessing o3-induced foliar visible injury in poplar trees. environ sci pollut res. 2018. doi 10.1007/s11356-017-9475-6 (sci).

17.zhang yw, jin d, xu c, zhang l, guo mh, fang zy. regulation of bolting and identification of the alpha-tubulin gene family in brassica rapa l. ssp pekinensis. 2016. genet. mol. res. 15 (1): gmr.15017507. (sci).

18.xu h, biswas dk, li wd, chen sb, zhang l, jiang gm, li yg. photosynthesis and yield responses of ozone-polluted winter wheat to drought. photosynthetica. 2007. 45:582-588. (sci)

19.podda a, pisuttu c, hoshika y, pellegrini e, carrari e, lorenzini g, nali c, cotrozzi l,  zhang l, baraldi r, neri l, paoletti e. can nutrient fertilization mitigate the effects of ozone exposure on an ozone-sensitive poplar clone? science of the total environment. 2019. 657:340-350. (sci)

20.张璐,贾丽丽,隋佳欣,张悦,陈雅君. 2015. 臭氧污染对园艺作物影响的研究述评. 北方园艺.16:188-195.


张璐、闫庆伟、郑海霞、刘威、李娜、刘芬芬、陈雅君. 一种节省栽培溶液的水培装置及其应用. zl201220549230.x. 2013, 国家实用新型专利.

品种:陈雅君,张璐,刘威,李鑫,闫永庆. 龙坪1号白三叶,黑龙江省品种委员会审定草坪新品种,2011.



风景园林生态学基础 (风景园林专业)




1.黑龙江省教育科学“十二五”规划课青年专项“农林院校卓越园林工程师人才培养模式的探索”(gbd1212023, 2013-2014),项目主持人;

2.东北农业大学“大北农学者计划”教育学人基金项目“信息技术与园林专业教学的整合研究”(xbjy17021, 2017-2018),项目主持人;


1. 张璐,王崑,闫永庆,刘威,袁维,谢福春,陈雅君.国内外园林及相近专业慕课建设现状分析及建议. 教育教学论坛. 2018,27:217-218.

2. 张璐,刘威,陈雅君.基于卓越工程师计划的园林专业师资队伍建设研究.黑龙江教育学院学报.2015. 34:42-43.

3. 张璐,刘威,谢福春,朱春福,陈旭,袁维. 基于卓越工程师计划的园林专业课程教学方法及手段改革初探. 大学教育.2014.11:92-96.

4. 张璐,刘威,陈雅君,谢福春. 利用国家精品课程共享服务信息平台进行教学活动. 大学教育.2014,8:135-136.

5. 张璐,刘威,陈雅君,闫永庆. 农林院校园林专业生态学相关课程设置及教学改革初探.中国林业教育.2014,7:62-65.

6. 张璐,陈雅君,闫永庆,刘慧民,刘威,谢福春. 农林院校卓越园林工程师人才培养理念初探. 中国农业教育.2014,1:25-28.

7. 刘威,张璐,闫永庆,陈雅君. 《园林树木栽培养护》教学改革探索与实践. 教育教学论坛.2014,15:39-41.

8. 丁晨旸,王崑,张璐,朱春福,马珂馨,谢福春. 成果导向教育模式下城市绿地系统规划课程教学改革模式探索. 安徽农业科学. 2018,46(13): 230-231.

9. 王崑; 罗垚; 张璐; 丁晨旸; 朱春福. 基于提高风景园林专业人才培养质量的工程实践. 山西建筑. 2018, 44(5): 234-236.


1.张璐,陈雅君,闫永庆,刘慧民,刘威,谢福春. 黑龙江高等教育学会优秀高等教育研究成果二等奖,2015年

2.张璐,刘威,朱春福,袁维,陈雅君. 东北农业大学教学成果二等奖,2017年

curriculum vitae

personal information

name: lu zhang

address: changjiang street 600, 150030 harbin (china)

phone: ( 86) 45155190924


work experience:

01/09/2018–present      professornortheast agricultural university, harbin (china)

20/01/2018–05/06/2018  visiting scholar

                      chair of plant physiology, emu, tartu (estonia)

01/06/2016–01/06/2017  visiting scholar

                       institute for sustainable plant protection, florence (italy)

01/09/2012–01/09/2018  associate professor

                       northeast agricultural university, harbin (china)

01/07/2010–01/09/2012  lecturer

                       northeast agricultural university, harbin (china)

01/12/2007–01/12/2008  visiting scholar

                        greenhouse and processing crop research center, windsor (canada)

education and training:

01/09/2006–01/07/2010  ph.d. degree

                      institute of botany, chinese academy of sciences, beijing (china)

01/09/2003–01/07/2006  master's degree

                       nanjing agricultural university, nanjing (china)

01/09/1999–01/07/2003  bachelor's degree

                       shandong agricultural university, tai’an (china)

publications :

chen y; chen y; shi z; jin y; sun h; xie f; zhang l*. biosynthesis and signal transduction of aba,ja, and brs in response to drought stress of kentucky bluegrass. international journal of molecular science. 2019, 20, 1289; doi:10.3390/ijms20061289

zhang l; hoshika y; carrari e; cotrozzi l; pellegrini e; paoletti e. effects of nitrogen and phosphorus imbalance on photosynthetic traits of poplar oxford clone under ozone pollution. journal of plant research. 2018, 131(6):915-924.

zhang l; hoshika y; carrari e; badea o; paoletti e. ozone risk assessment is affected by nutrientavailability: evidence from a simulation experiment under free air controlled exposure (face).environmental pollution. 2018, 238:812-822.

zhang l; jia l; sui j; wen m; chen y. ameliorating effects of three kinds of antioxidants to ozone polluted painted nettle (coleus blumei benth.). photosynthetica. 2018. 56(2): 623-632.

chen y; wen mx; sui jx; yan yq; yuan w; hong l; zhang l*. ameliorating effects of leaf waterextract of three aromatic plant species on ozone-polluted snap bean (phaseolus vulgaris l.‘  jiangjunyoudou’). bull environ contam toxicol 2018. 100:849-855.

zhang l; xu b; wu t; wen m; fan l; feng z; paoletti e. transcriptomic analysis of pak choi underacute ozone exposure revealed regulatory mechanism against ozone stress. bmc plant biology. 2017, 17:236 doi 10.1186/s12870-017-1202-4

zhang l; xu b; wu t; yang y; fan l; wen m; sui j. transcriptomic profiling of two pak choi varieties with contrasting anthocyanin contents provides an insight into structural and regulatory genes in anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway. bmc genomics. 2017, 18:288 doi :10.1186/s12864-017-3677-7.

zhang l; hoshika y; carrari e; burkey k; paoletti, e. protecting the photosynthetic performance ofsnap bean under free-air ozone exposure. journal of environmental sciences. 2017, 66:31-40.

zhang l; xiao s; chen y; xu h; li y; zhang y; luan f. ozone sensitivity of four pakchoi cultivars with different leaf colors: physiological and biochemical mechanisms. photosynthetica. 2017, 53(3): 478-490.

sui j; wen m; jia l; chen y; li c; zhang l*. effects of elevated ozone on polka dot plant (hypoestes phyllostachya) with variegated leaves. bull environ contam toxicol 2017. 99(4):445-451

zhang l; su by; xu h; li yg. growth and photosynthetic responses of four landscape shrub species to elevated ozone. photosynthetica.2012. 50:67-76.

zhang l; hao xm; li yg; jiang gm. response of greenhouse tomato to varied low pre-nighttemperatures at the same daily integrated temperature. hortscience. 2010. 45:1654-1661.

zhang l; xu h; yang jc; li wd; jiang gm; li yg. photosynthetic characteristics of diploidhoneysuckle (lonicera japonica thunb.) and its autotetraploid cultivar subjected to elevated ozone exposure. photosynthetica. 2010. 46:87-95.


national natural science foundation of china (no. 31711530648), effects of elevated ozone on the emission of volatile organic compounds of 100 tree species. 2017-2019, pi.

national natural science foundation of china (no. 31401895), the relationship between anthocyanin metabolism in color-leafed plants and ozone sensitivity and the underlying regulatory mechanism, 2015-2017, pi
